Our Services under the NDIS

Jigsaw Autism Services, based in Tuggerah has the NDIS framework established with clients already using our service under the NDIS funding. Jigsaw Autism Services is a trans-disciplinary approach towards autism treatment, which is also the preferred Autism treatment under the NDIS.

At Jigsaw Autism Services our core business is Autism Spectrum Disorders – that is our specialty. We provide quality evidence based best practice assessments and early intervention. Services are accessed through a qualified Autism Teacher/Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist and Psychologist, all trained across different disciplines and highly skilled.

Below is some information to answer commonly asked questions about the National Disability Scheme, (NDIS)

What is the NDIS?

The (NDIS), National Disability Insurance Scheme is a new system of providing support to people with a disability, their families and carers. The NDIS is an individualised and life-long approach for people to receive disability support. The scheme is being progressively rolled out across Australia under the management of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The rollout is due to be completed by 2020.

Why was the NDIS introduced?

Before the NDIS was introduced, it was widely recognised that disability support in Australia needed to change. An enquiry found that the support available for people with a disability varied according to a whole range of factors – and not everyone was getting a fair go. The Federal Government agreed that people with a disability deserved a fairer system, and more control over the services they receive. So in July 2013, the NDIS was introduced.

What does the NDIS mean for my child with Autism?

If eligible, the NDIS means gaining greater choice and control over the support services you receive. NDIS replaces block funding, Better Start and HCWA, to individualised funding for people with disabilities based on individual needs assessments.

Funding will be received on an annual basis to purchase the services, aids and equipment that you have been assessed as needing from the service provider/providers of your choice.

Through the NDIS assessment and planning process, you can determine what reasonable and necessary supports are needed. With the NDIS, you not only get to choose what type of supports you receive, you also decide when, where and how you receive them – and which service providers you’ll work with. The carer has control over how your funds are managed.

What early intervention is eligible under the NDIS?

The NDIS will fund early intervention and other supports that improve a child’s functional capacity, or prevent deterioration of functioning.

This may include services delivered or supervised by clinically trained or qualified health practitioners that enable the child to live in the community and participate in education.

The NDIS will also provide support for children, families and carers required as a direct result of the child’s disability. These supports will enable families and carers to maintain their caring role, community participation, therapeutic and behavioural supports, additional respite, aids and equipment.

What services do Jigsaw Autism Services provide as a NDIS provider?

As a long standing early childhood intervention provider in the central coast, Jigsaw Autism Services can provide a range of services as part of the NDIS.

At Jigsaw Autism Services we provide quality evidence based best practice assessments and early intervention. Services are accessed through a qualified Autism Teacher/Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Sppech Pathologist and Psychologist, all trained across different disciplines and highly skilled.

The Transdisciplinary approach involves our team of professionals to work collaboratively, and share the responsibilities of evaluating, planning and implementing services to children and their families. Families are valued members of the team, and are involved in all aspects of intervention. One professional is chosen as the primary service provider for the family, and acts as the conduit for the expertise of the team. The full team remains involved, and the primary provider reports back to the team constantly.

The main reason Jigsaw Autism Services have adopted this approach is that there is good evidence that parents prefer and do better with a single case worker. The more health or development problems a child has, the more services they receive and the more service locations they have to access. Under these circumstances, services are less family-centred. What parents want is a single point of contact with services and an effective, trusted person to support them to get what they need.

This is one of the main reasons why transdisciplinary practice is regarded as best practice in early intervention services. The advantages of this way of working are that it greatly simplifies family relationships with the specialist team, ensures family receives coordinated advice, involves the family in all decisions, enables the family to manage the demands upon their time, and reduces family stress. There is good evidence that this results in greater family satisfaction with services, more family-centred service delivery, and better outcomes for children and families.

You can find more information on the NDIS website, visit www.ndis.gov.au or call the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 between 8am and 8pm (EST) weekdays.

You can also get in touch with us about support under the NDIS at

info@jigsawautismservices.com or phone 0431 661484


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